Computer Trouble Again?!
Remember that issue I had a little while ago, where my computer just shut down with no warning? Well, it came back. Yesterday, and then two times again today!!! Last time we attributed it to a possible faulty hard drive. I lost an old drive that had been making some noise. But, apparently (since that drive is gone now) that was not the case. My next best guess now is a problem in the power chain. The power supply, the logic board, or something like that. Whatever it is, it's annoying. BUT, it is VERY VERY COOL that I did not lose anything on the main hard drive in the computer.
So, I have been spending lots of hours rebuilding files and things that I lose when the computer shuts down. That's been my past two days.
That, and:
1) We got the kids photos at Sears Portrait studio last night
2) We went to the Apple store on both ends of that photo shoot :-)
3) Kids did great, so they got a treat. After the Apple store closed, we stopped at Friendly's on the way out for some ice cream. :-)
4) Slept in today (Cause I was up late last night watching Kingdom Of Heaven. Pretty good movie. Just crazy. Lots of killing. Over religious places and fervor. Crazy.)
5) Took Julia to the doctor today. New doctor place. That was fun.
We had a nice dinner, then Jen went to Staples to get ink cartridges. The four kids and I watched an A-Team with some ice cream. :-) Then we went to bed.
More tomorrow...
[Posted from the PowerBook in our bedroom in Palmyra, NY.]