Almost Everyday in 2006

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Apple, Ankle, Another Angle

Just a quick update for the everydayness of this blog.

I got word yesterday that the Apple store does not need my limited availability. :-) While that was sad in a way, it's also probably really good. I don't have the time for it right now, but I was going to suck it up cause I know I'd love it, and there's a great employee discount! :-)

My ankle is less bruised today, but still BIG. And big means it don't bend just right. And that means it's uncomfortable. And actually, right now it's sorta painful. So I am taking a break to elevate it while I work on my book.

I have mentioned my books. One is complete, and has been proof-read once, and is in the hands of the master proof reader now, our sister-in-law Connie. She is a master grammatician. So, I'm kinda scared to get it back, but it will be very well written once I make her suggested corrections. :-) My other book is going to be slightly more controversial... or not. I can't figure it out. It's essentially presenting the church from another angle. One that we all agree is true, but don't necessarily live out. I feel like people won't really disagree with what I am saying in the books, but will probably say they don't come to the same conclusions. But see... that's the different angle. I think we have a disconnect that we're not even noticing.

You'll have to read my book to know what I'm talking about. :-)

It will be called (Something like) "There's The Steeple... Here's The Church: Selected Thoughts on the Various Manifestations of The Church"

Something like that.

Stay tuned...

[Posted from the PowerBook in my comfy chair in the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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