Almost Everyday in 2006

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Another Day

My head is spinning. I came down from a day in the office yesterday, and I literally felt like I was spinning.

This is the first opportunity I have gotten (taken?) to write to this blog today. There are about a thousand things I need to/want to do in a day it seems. I know I am certainly feeling a bit more pressure as Jen grows ever larger. I am having to help more with the house and kids - and I really don't mind at all. I love to help, and I want to. But I think it's making me feel all spinny.

Yesterday was a lot of fun. (Aside from the spinning.) Kirstie turned two. We celebrated with presents, a birthday poster, a cool cherry-chocolate cake (it was great!) and a fun night at the community center just running around with lots of balls. (Kirstie liked the yellow one, which she callled, "Blue-eeee") :-)

It was definitely a fun night.

I worked on my book a bit last night. It's coming together. I am probably too optimistically hopeful that I will have a rough draft by the end of this coming weekend. Once I have that, I'll send it to a few folks who can check for errors. Then I'll correct them and send the book off to the publisher! Yippee!!!

I also sent in a resumé and application to Apple yesterday. :-) I'm not really looking for a job. (Read those first two paragraphs again.) But I really keep thinking that it would be so cool to work even just one day a week at the Apple store. :-) There was an opening posted on their site, so I figured... why not. :-) Even as a part-time employee, I get a discount! Whoohooo! :-) They even give me a discount for a select few friends and family! Nice.

So today is a super full day, and I really need to get back to it, but I can't shake this super strong desire to blog out some thoughts today. I think I will do that, and then grab lunch a do a little longer afternoon shift.

Oh yeah... ball with Scott, Steve, and Alex was a blast this morning. We are getting much more competitive these past few outings. We all leave with a little less blood, and the intensity is quite fun, actually. :-) Scott and I won two of three games today. Nice.

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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