Almost Everyday in 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Almost Lunch Time

I forgot how much stuff I do.

It was kinda nice for a little while to think that all I had to do was be a Dad. Now, don't get me wrong... there were times where I thought, "AAAAHHHHH!!!!!", or something to that effect. It can be overwhelming to take care of three tiny people all day long. With no breaks. Definitely. But it was nice to not be all of the things listed in my Newsvine header.

I got through all my emails yesterday. That was really cool. Had about 65 I needed to reply to. (That was already thinned out each night during the two weeks. The 65 were ones that took some time to reply to.) Got that done, and now today I have been making lists in between uploading and moving and renaming files for our Buffalo Bills podcast. There have been issues with the host over there, so I decided to move ALL of the shows to my host. It can handle it much better. So... thats done.

But that's where I'm noticing... the lists I am making continue to be quite spread out. Buffalo Bills Review, various web clients, my books, basic stuff, etc, etc. And don't forget that I applied for ANOTHER job at the Apple Store. Whoopeee! :-) Ha. I guess I just can't sit still, eh?

Well, it's time for lunch now. The afternoon will be filled with actually getting stuff done now! (Not just making lists or answering emails.) :-)

More tomorrow.

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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