Almost Everyday in 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Weekend

Oh my goodness. Aren't you supposed to feel rested after a weekend???? :-) Not this one. My head is feeling verrrry tired right now. Let's get this weekend chronicled so I can GO TO BED! :-)

I can't actually remember everything we did yesterday, but I am certain it involved lots of laundry. In between making skyline and some bread for a family birthday party, and doing a little work in the office... I also did SIX LOADS of LAUNDRY. Wow. Now tonight I have been sorting and folding all of that. Insane!

The party was great though. It was a nice relaxed evening. And, we had taco dip and skyline! (Two of the world's greatest foods!) We sang happy birthday in four part harmony to the three birthday kids who were there. (Three were absent) We ate cake. And lots of skyline. A wonderful evening.

Oh! And, we stayed up till 11pm (the boys too!) watching another A-Team! Ha! It was great! But because of that, we didn't wake up till around 10am... and Kirstie not till around 11am!!! Wow! We didn't eat breakfast until noon!!! Crazy. But a nice relaxed morning. We played a game of Lego Creator until time to head to a friend's birthday party. She's one. :-) There were about 40 people in that house!!! Nuts! But again, a lot of fun. Nice to spend a little time with lots of people (though I defintely prefer the more intimate settings... say, no more than 20 people...) ;-)

After the birthday party, it was off to the Apple Store for a little fun while Mom tried on some maternity things. She has made a little money on that she wanted to spend on a few articles of clothing. And, me and the boys love the Apple store! :-) (So does Kirstie... "Apple" was one of her first words!)

We went home to some more Skyline, and then laundry folding.

Now, feeling quite weary, I must sleep, so as to do this whole thing over again.

Monday, here I come!

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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