Almost Everyday in 2006

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Early In The Morning

"Beeep... Beeeep... BEEEEEEP!"

That's what I woke up to this morning. I really don't like to wake up to alarm clocks. Not just because it's annoying to be jarred from blissful sleep by a tiny electronic (annoying) noise, but also, it's usually just too early! I think God made our bodies to wake up when they're done sleeping, not when our alarm clock says we are.

Starting off early this morning again, this time with no interruptions, and hoping to conquer... I mean... complete a couple of these accounts that seem to hang around, taunting me. :-) I do feel busier than ever - overwhelmed really. I just went to sleep last night almost in a daze. Oh, and I was back in the office from 9:30 till midnight. If I get a chance to, though, I'll tell the good side of this story on my main blog.

It was a nice day yesterday... basketball with four other friends in the morning. That was cool - two on two with a sub is nice for us old guys. Ha! I just remembered, the first guy to leave was the young 19 yr old guy! :-) After that, I worked in the office till time for a baby appointment. That went well. Baby is doing great. It's almost time to meet the little kiddo. Then we came home and I finished up in the office (till about 6), and came down to a nice dinner from Jen. Then I quickly went up to the Baptist church about a block from our house to record some songs for a friend (and one for our niece). :-) That went well, but we started 30 min late... so... I was a bit late getting home.

When I did, the Stupins (well, most of them) were in my house.... it was quite noisy with their kids and ours. :-) We got to hang out with Tracy a bit and then our neighbor, Amy stopped in and hung out for a while. By the time they left, we got the kids a quick snack and it was nearly bed time.

Long, full day.

Time to start this one.

[Posted from Jen's eMac in Palmyra, NY.]


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