Almost Everyday in 2006

Friday, February 17, 2006


I was actually awoken today by the wind. That doesn't happen every day, ya know. :-) We had some serious wind around here. Just crazy weather in general. It was 60º at midnight, and now it's around 30 degrees, and will be around 10ºF by tonight!!! There's a strong front coming through, causing wind gusts of around 60 mph. So far our house is OK, but I had to go around the yard(s) and pick up some things we had on our deck. :-) I think I got everything.

We'll see how the rest of the morning goes. Supposed to be strong winds till 1pm or so.

We got to hand out with some family we don't get to spend much time with last night. The Andersons came over for dinner and to hang out for a while. Matt & Lorie Anderson adopted Jen's brother Jeff's kids after he died. So they are our adopted family :-) It was nice to hang out with them. We had a big breakfast dinner.

Other than that, it was another long, slighty frustrating (just because of who I am, most likely) day full of work that was mostly done, but never complete. It is nice when we can wrap stuff up and complete it. :-) But I was up at 6am yesterday, and worked till about 4 or so, at which point I just stopped, and tended to my blog. I needed to do that. For me. It was nice.

I was so tired last night though, that I fell asleep before 11:30 while we were watching our nightly Star Trek Voyager episode. :-) Been a long week.

Well, I get to write a column for the Buffalo Bills Review, and then back to work!

[Posted from the KITCHEN TABLE while eating BREAKFAST in Palmyra, NY.]


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