Almost Everyday in 2006

Friday, February 10, 2006

Making Progress and Microwaves

It's the weekend!!! Will be the second weekend in a row where we are singing! Last weekend was the couples retreat in PA, and tomorrow we're singing for a couples (Valentines Day) dinner concert put on by a church nearby here. It will be fun. Kind of a long night for our babysitter! The program involves us and a drama team, as well as dinner and dessert.

Today's big news... we got our new MICROWAVE! The one we got for our wedding pretty much tuckered out, and it was time to replace it. I saw it come in so I went downstairs and set it up right away, and Jen made lunch in it! :-) Nice!!

(We don't usually make major purchases like this, so that was an exciting part of the day!)

The rest of the day was filled with IM conversations a plenty. With folks from literally all over the world! But inbetween all of that, I did manage to pretty much finish what I needed to this week on one major project I was working on. That was great. Nice to get it all up and working properly. That doesn't always happen. So, it's good when it does!

We spent the evening cleaning up the house after dinner, and reading some library books, and we even put together a puzzle of the US. It's a cartoon sorta map - and it's so big you have to put it together on the floor. It was fun! And then we told stories we remembered from each one of the states. (We've been in 43 for sure, not certain on a few of them, but, 43 makes for plenty of stories!) :-)

Oh, I also posted another RunDown at the Buffalo Bills site. That was one of my IM conversations today. A friend from a past life IMed today (not really past, that was just funny to say) and told me he was looking for Bills shows on iTunes, and found the highest rated one... and it was ours! Small world moment there. :-)

Hope to get more work done on the book tomorrow, before the concert that is. Friends are coming over Sunday evening. The Towners. It's always fun hanging out with them.

For now, I have 5 minutes till tomorrow, so I better get this published....

[Posted from the living room couch on the PowerBook in Palmyra, NY.]


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