Happy Valentine's Day :-)
Oops! It's the first day of trying this, and I almost forgot my own plan! :-)
Monday ended up being a fairly typical day: working on websites from 9 till 6 or so, and then making dinner for the family, heading out to the library and then a bit of shopping we needed to do. But, for some reason, the kids were quite rambunctious and in being so, lost their privelege of Monday library night. (That is a great family tradition, so that was a very sad thing...)
We went on to the Cingular store after picking up some books that we had reserved at the library and exchanged our regular cell phone plan for a new Go Phone plan. Basically, it's just a pay as you go card. You buy 100 minute cards for $25, and they last you 3 months. (Or less, if you use them up, I suppose.) We did get a new number in the process as well. It was a good move I think, even though I had to pay $120 to cancel our one year remaining on the contract!!! (That's two months of service, so, in 2.5 months, I will have saved enough to justify leaving the contract early. That contract thing is a pretty good deal for them cell phone companies...
Lastly, we headed to Wal*Mart to pick up a few things. There were many Valentine's Day shoppers there. We also spotted a few friends as well.
It was a nice relaxing evening, that ended pretty nicely - except for Kirsten confusing her bath for a toilet!!! That was gross, and will cause me to think twice about offering to give Kirstie a bath next time..... But, after that, it was a nice peaceful evening. Jen & I watched a Star Trek Voyager, and then I worked on my book after she went to sleep. I am about half-way through the initial process. It's coming together nicely, and should be a nice read once it is all put together. :-)
OK... time to get back to work!
[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]
Monday ended up being a fairly typical day: working on websites from 9 till 6 or so, and then making dinner for the family, heading out to the library and then a bit of shopping we needed to do. But, for some reason, the kids were quite rambunctious and in being so, lost their privelege of Monday library night. (That is a great family tradition, so that was a very sad thing...)
We went on to the Cingular store after picking up some books that we had reserved at the library and exchanged our regular cell phone plan for a new Go Phone plan. Basically, it's just a pay as you go card. You buy 100 minute cards for $25, and they last you 3 months. (Or less, if you use them up, I suppose.) We did get a new number in the process as well. It was a good move I think, even though I had to pay $120 to cancel our one year remaining on the contract!!! (That's two months of service, so, in 2.5 months, I will have saved enough to justify leaving the contract early. That contract thing is a pretty good deal for them cell phone companies...
Lastly, we headed to Wal*Mart to pick up a few things. There were many Valentine's Day shoppers there. We also spotted a few friends as well.
It was a nice relaxing evening, that ended pretty nicely - except for Kirsten confusing her bath for a toilet!!! That was gross, and will cause me to think twice about offering to give Kirstie a bath next time..... But, after that, it was a nice peaceful evening. Jen & I watched a Star Trek Voyager, and then I worked on my book after she went to sleep. I am about half-way through the initial process. It's coming together nicely, and should be a nice read once it is all put together. :-)
OK... time to get back to work!
[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]
Dude... Your kid crapped in the tub! Another reason for Chi not to have kids. The only person I have to worry about crapping in the tub is me.
Chi, at 10:04 AM
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