Almost Everyday in 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

Birthday Day

I mentioned on my other blog that today is the birthday of FOUR friends of ours. That's pretty odd, I think. But cool. Two of those friends were even born in the same year! They're like... twins or something.

None of our immediate family here were born today, though. So, we're living a pretty typical Monday. :-)

I am noticing now that I do a Monday-Friday job that Mondays are... nuts! First, I have tons of emails to wade through from the weekend, with either new business or follow ups on old stuff. Then, I get phone call after phone call (with IMs and new emails on top of those) with new business for the week. I can't even get started on anything, cause I'm answering the phone, and call-waiting, and voicemail, just getting the list of what I need to do this week!! Craazy!

But, that's good. I am thankful for the work God continues to send my way. And I am learning to operate in this crazy world.

No wonder nobody likes Mondays! :-)

Tonight we're going over to Buffalo to drop the kids off at Grandma's house for a couple days! Nice! And we'll be going out for dinner with some friends who fairly recently moved back to that area. Looking forward to both of those things.

For now, I must continue working on the big list my clients have given me today!

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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