Almost Everyday in 2006

Sunday, January 29, 2006


It's late, and I am tired after another great day off! But wanted to get the days events down here so I can remember it later. Perhaps. :-)

When we got up this morning, I decided to do something a little more fun for breakfast. I couldn't decide what to make, so I set up our kitchen like a little restaurant (complete with a menu and all!) We ended up picking French Toast, sausages and some cinnamon roll oatmeal for Ian. It was a lot of fun, and good food too! :-)

The rest of the morning, Jen and I worked on getting our taxes together for this year. We were also getting ready for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa (Jen's parents). They came over around 4pm or so, and we played some games and had Skyline Chili together! Grandma made a cake (Jen had been craving one of her mom's cake for a while!)

It was a nice full day! I might add more tomorrow, but for now... gotta go!

[Posted from the PowerBook in our bedroom in Palmyra, NY.]


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