Almost Everyday in 2006

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Coffee Houses

I am sitting here in a nice comfy couch in an empty (mostly) coffee house about 3/4 of a mile from our house with almost complete silence around me, and I am feeling very thankful for my wife who let me come do this. :-)

There was a lot of commotion about the house today, between the kids, and new loud music playing, and Jen's nesting projects, so I asked if I could slip away to the local coffee shop for a few hours. She said yes. So, here I am.

It's a nice place. They make a good cup of chai. And they have free wi-fi. :-) It hasn't caught on very well yet, but hopefully after a little while people will start hanging out here.

It's a cool place for me. Nice relaxed environment. Great warm beverages (chai being my favorite) and of course, the free wireless access. That's nice too.

I'm here working on my next book for a while. Reading through the blog archives and selecting posts that might be worthy of a book. Stay tuned for details on the formation and publication of that next textual release.

We watched another episode of the Dukes of Hazzard last night after a pretty serious cleaning of our entire downstairs. Put away all the Christmas decorations and I finally vacuumed. :-) That was cool and relaxing. Then after everyone went to bed, I figured out a few tricks for navigating the refueling tunnels in the TI-99 game Parsec, and then hunkered down to watch the Fantastic Four movie. It was really better than I expected. Had me stiflling many a laugh as I watched on my laptop with Jen sleeping next to me. We might watch it with the boys later today.

For now, I must get back to my book compiling. :-)

And, my chai... :-)

[Posted from Coffee Creek in Palmyra, NY.]


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