Almost Everyday in 2006

Thursday, January 26, 2006

One Step At A Time

I can't emphasize enough how much my personal week has been dominated by the overwhelming volume of work I have to do these days. That's actually a really good thing, and just five minutes ago, I had an extremely rewarding experience on one of the projects. I actually finished the whole thing in UNDER five minutes! (It could have been a daunting, hour-long project.)

But, besides work, it's been a nice day so far, and I am looking forward to the evening. I put some meat in the crock pot last night so that I could make Pabellón Criollo. Everytime I make that, I must invite friends, so our friends the LaBarges are coming over tonight for the Pabellon, as well as arepas and something called tequeños! Mmmmm. That will be AWESOME!

The LaBarges are gamers, too, so perhaps we'll be playing some games tonight. :-)

Our friend, Ed, who lays carpet for folks, came over today (on his birthday) to measure our stairs so that we can put a little runner on them. There have been a few accidents of late, so, I guess it's time to put the carpet on there. I told Jen it's a little "new baby" gift. :-)

Speaking of Birthdays, this day's entry would not be complete without saying a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mom, Shirley Campbell.

Without her birthday, I'd have none. Right? :-)

Happy birthday, Mom! Hope you had a great one!

[Posted on the PowerBook from the soon-to-be-carpeted stairs in Palmyra, NY.]n


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