Almost Everyday in 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Wednesday is the one day of the week that I always wake up early. There are other days on occasion, when I have extra work to do, or if we are leaving on a trip or something - but I can always count on a good groggy morning on Wednesdays.

And for some reason, I still look forward to them. :-)

I just got back from playing a great game of basketball with Scott and Steve. We were short a few guys today, so we just played a little one-on-one-on-one. That's not my favorite, cause I'm not the best one on two player... :-) but it was still a good workout, and a great time. And for some reason today, I was hitting my shots. That always makes it more fun. :-) Today was quite injurious however. I have a nice laceration on my left hand, and I bent two joints (finger and ankle) the way they are not supposed to bend. As far as I know, that's all the damage I took...

It's after 9:35 now, and I still need to get a shower, and get started on my day. The kids are coming back (with Grandma) today! It's been a nice break, but I am looking forward to seeing them again. (Though I do enjoy the quiet) :-) The quiet will be here one day again. This is the season for life and noise. That's fer sure.

We spent our quiet day yesterday (Jen) working on taxes and (Me) working in the office. I have been copying our old VHS tapes to digital formats on the PowerBook here while working on my other computer. That's been fun. Completed two so far. About 100 to go. :-)

In the evening, we went to visit Paul and Laura, who recently had a baby, then had dinner with Scott and Leah, who less recently had a baby. Was nice to visit with adult friends without our kids. :-) We finished the evening with a quick trip to WalMart - for diapers! Ha! Ironic.

Well, on to today...

[Posted from the PowerBook in our Living Room in Palmyra, NY.]


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