Almost Everyday in 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Another Bills Monday - and Kirstie Rae's Birthday!

Due to some scheduling confusion, the Bills Review that we were supposed to tape on Saturday night, ended up being recorded last night between 9:30 and 10:30pm. A fun time was had by all. Except, this was almost back to the regular season schedule for me. That's when I would rise early on Monday to tackle my 9 to 5 job, and then spend a hurried evening of fun with the family until heading back to the office from 9 to 5 again (pm to am, this time). Those were really long days. In fact, it was two days in one. So, when I would get up on Tuesday morning at 9am, It felt like Wednesday!

Today feels like Wednesday.

It's my fault this time though. Our show was a bit shorter, and I was also very efficient this time, so I was actually done with everything by 1am. That's good. But then I had some other things to clean up, and since I was in work mode I finished a few other things, and before I knew it, it was 2am.

Then I was hungry.

So, I went downstairs, and brought the laptop to read or something while I ate. Instead, I ended up watching a free TV show I got from the iTunes Music Store. (They are offering the pilot episode of a new TV show, Conviction, for free... a pretty cool idea that I think will catch on.) So... I went to bed at around 3am.

But, I still wasn't tired. So I laid there. And laid there. Who knows when I finally got to sleep.... but it doesn't feel like it was that long ago. :-)

Yesterday was a typical Monday... got up pretty early to get a jump on the week. All was fairly normal. Got a few new clients. Finishing up some current jobs. Good day. Then I made a nice chicken/pasta dinner - which was strangely a hit, even with the kids. And then we did our Monday night routine - a visit to the library! :-)

We got back just in time to squeeze in the last A-Team episode on the DVD we have, and then you know the rest. (If you forget, just skip back up to the top.)

Today is Kirsten's birthday!!! She's two today. That's one of the projects I stayed up working on. (A nice birthday poster for her - a family tradition.)

Happy Birthday, Kirstie Rae!!! :-)

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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