Almost Everyday in 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Sundays Are Not Computer Days

Perhaps it's the new job - where every day is spent facing this lovely CRT Monitor? Maybe it's just that I am better at making my day off really a day off? Maybe it's that to go to my office now, it's an intentional trip up at least two flights of stairs?

Whatever it is, it's not very easy for me to get to the computer for even a short blog on Sundays! :-)

Oh well.

I'm still doing a MOSTLY every day in 2006 blog here. And that's good.

Yesterday - though computer free - was excellent, as usual. A nice full day of rest and family time. We slept in again - though the boys were much more ready to get up than Mom and Dad. :-) (That could be because Dad was up till 4am the night before working on his book, I suppose...)

We actually didn't leave the house at all yesterday. We cleaned up a bit, played some games, watched a DOUBLE-HEADER of the A-Team and just hung out together. It was mostly nice. (Sometimes little boys get a bit rambunctious in such a situation near the end of the day, after a few donuts... but, other than that...)

I did stay up late on Saturday working on my book. In fact, I completed the initial selection of material to include. That was good. Now I will organize that, then go through and make changes that need to be made. Then I will proof it. Then I will send it off to a couple people to proof again... It's a fairly long process, but it's worth it. There's a lot of great stuff in this book. Looking forward to making it available to peoples.

We were also supposed to record the Buffalo Bills Review last night - well, really on SATURDAY night - but there were scheduling issues, so we will do that tonight.

Today is looking like a fairly normal Monday, so... need to get back to it!

[Posted from the HOME OFFICE in Palmyra, NY.]


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