Almost Everyday in 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Weekend Review

I forget where I left off, so, here's the whole weekend in review.

Friday we had to recover from a CRAZY Thursday. We were out late. Kids were tired. I was tired. And so was my ankle. I think it was Thursday morning that I woke up thinking, "Wow, that feels pretty good..." and then Friday morning when I wondered where the aspirin was. So Friday was a recovery day in many ways.

It was also a very frustrating day with the computer. It looks like I might be replacing my main computer after all. We had mostly decided not to, since we were planning to "upgrade" our van (to the bigger model, for the bigger family). Looks like we might have to do both.

While the strange power issue is happening with the old G4, I am experiencing a frustrating issue with the LaCie hard drive I bought. It just quit working. Right after I transfered a bunch of old files to an archives folder on there (and subsequently deleted them from my other hard drive. Ugh.) So, that's been annoying too since I am now using the PowerBook as an emergency back up, which limits its capacity. I am still hopeful I can salvage some of the data from that external drive. I will be calling LaCie in the morning.

So, yesterday was great also! We woke up to a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Walker! They came and we made and ate a late breakfast! It was a very nice time. I worked on my two books then while they hung out with the family. I completed the rough drafts of both books, so it was a very productive afternoon.

In the evening, we called up our friends the LaBarges and they came over around 9pm or so. They are late night folks!! :-) We hung out for a while and played a new game - LRC? (Left Right Center?) Fun dice and chips game. Quick and brainless. They hung around till 1am (on the new time, we set our clocks ahead just before they left) :-) They're great. :-)

This morning we all slept in till 10:30!!! Even Julia slept until 6:00 I think! So it was a pretty restful night on the night we lost an hour. That was nice.

We went for a walk after our late breakfast and ended up staying out for a couple hours I think! We walked first to the bank to get some cash. Then we went to the candy shop to visit our friends (the owners) the Thomases. We picked up some goodies (for us, as well as a gift or two) and then headed up to the coffee house for a few special treats while we played LRC. CLR? LCR? Whatever. We had a blast.

Afterwards we walked across the street to the furniture store. We need new kitchen table chairs. They are seriously falling apart. They were closed, but there were some people in the office, so we knocked. Turned out to be a guy we knew from Cross Creek (a local church). He let us in to shop if we'd like. That was nice. We found out they can probably fix our chairs, so we're going to go that (cheaper) route first (before buying a new table/chairs.) We'll take the chairs up tomorrow morning.

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching Superman IV, and eating Skyline Chili and just enjoying a nice relaxing day off. Might go outside again before the sun goes down. Nice day today.

Now I am posting a few blog thoughts while the boys play some Nintendo NES games. I'm glad they like those. :-)

More later...

[Posted from the BASEMENT on the PowerBook in Palmyra, NY.]


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